
Do You Have A Drainage Problem?

Leading Indicators of Drainage Problems Standing water 24 hours after a hard rain or irrigation. Concentrations of yellowing or patches of turf that has minimal original turf. Yellowing plant life. Thin areas of turf, although there is plenty of sun and no obvious disease. Areas that are constantly being treated for fungus problems. Debris, such as leaves, pine straw, trash, etc., accumulated in affected areas. Water stains on fences, buildings, etc. Stagnate water smell. Trees...
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Rain Barrels and Rainwater Harvesting Systems.

Another great idea! Capture that rainwater that falls on your roof, store it, and use it later to water your flowers and landscape.
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Rain Gardens and Bioswales.

Capture that storm water that usually runs through your yard and into the overtaxed sewer system, and create a planting area of native vegetation, while doing your part to conserve water that is usually wasted.
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Install a Photo-Cell.

Allow your lighting system to turn on at dusk all year round. This will prevent you from having to constantly change the timer to accommodate the changing of darkness and allowing more time on your part and less frustration.
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Be Green & Bright with L.E.D.

Consider using the new L.E.D. landscape lighting technology for your new outdoor lighting system or upgrade your existing system. In addition to the superior clarity of L.E.D. lights, the reduction in energy consumption is significant and the life expectancy of L.E.D. lamps is 15 years or more!
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